Ever wondered why getting enough sleep is essential for controlling hypertension?
Thus hypertension or high blood pressure is also another suffered global health issue. It builds when there is high tension of the force of blood piped against the artery walls chronically, which leads to several cardiovascular diseases including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and even death. The treatment of hypertension is a very delicate process and which encompasses several steps and these are; exercises, diet and drugs. However, one thing that people often leave out when managing hypertension is the part that sleep plays in controlling high blood pressure.
The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Blood Pressure
The effects of sleep deprivation are evident to show that it has detrimental beneficiary effects on blood pressure management. A number of investigations both cross sectional and longitudinal have shown that inadequate sleep, either short duration or poor quality increases blood pressure. Observational as well as experimental investigations support this relationship.
- Shortened Sleep Duration
Ideally, it is healthy for adults to take between 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. Any sleep duration that falls below this range has been deemed a possible risk for hypertension. A single investigation revealed a 20% higher risk of hypertension among all those who slept for less than 6 hours in comparison with employees who slept for 7-8 hours. This may be especially true because most individuals because of their lifestyle and work demands or from using technology devices, are often found to have sleep debt which results in sustained hypertension.
- Poor Sleep Quality
Moreover, different types of sleep are also important, not just the fact of sleep deprivation. Short sleep duration or short night duration, nonsleeping time, and periodic awakenings, difficulty in falling asleep and sleep disturbances, have been found to increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. During poor quality sleep the body does not get the opportunity to recover and it is continuously under stress which may put effect on blood pressure.
- The primary findings of the present study conceivably revealed that enhanced SNS activity is attributed to a range of variables.
Which is why sleep-deprived people have higher levels of activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which for some people means switching on the fight or flight reaction. Moreover, active communication on SNS generates the production of other hormone such as adrenaline, which causes high rates of heart pumping and blood pressure. In the long run, this results in hypertension development.
How Adequate Sleep Helps Control Hypertension
On the other hand, getting enough quality sleep has been proven to decrease your blood pressure and therefore used to treat hypertension. Sleeping helps in achieving a good blood pressure while in the same bowl helps in balancing hormones in the body and destroys stress. Here are several ways in which sleep contributes to the control of hypertension:
- Restorative Effects
While in deep sleep stages there are restorative processes going on in the body. One of the mechanisms is a venue dilatation for instance, blood vessel, which assist in reducing blood pressure. Moreover, the cardiovascular system is relieved from the daily tensions and the blood pressure retreats, so the heart is protected as well as the arteries.
- Improved Hormonal Balance
Cortisol secretion depends on sleep and is regarded as a determinant of blood pressure. Thus, adequate rest assures the body that cortisol does not shoot up to e levels needed to spike up the blood pressure. Sleep also maintains other hormones in proper order; they are hormones that are involved in balancing fluids and salt levels in the body in order to maintain normal blood pressure.
- Reduction of Inflammation
Sleep plays significant roles to control inflammation the human body. Inflammation has been found to aggravate hypertension because it leads to the constriction of the blood vessels hence raising resistance. Sufficient sleep also control this inflammation hence minimizing the life time risk of developing hypertension.
- Sleep Apnea Treatment
With treatment for conditions like sleep apnea to include the use of CPAP therapy, one can actually decrease their hypertension risk. Apathetic patients who have sleep apnea can have better sleep, increased oxygen saturation in the blood over night, thus lesser hypertension in the long run if they are properly treated.
Practical Tips for Improving Sleep to Control Hypertension
Because what occurs during hypertension is that people do not get enough sleep, it is always vital that one establishes some habits that will help them to get good and quality sleep. Here are some tips for improving sleep and, in turn, managing blood pressure:
- it is important to build a routine of going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time everyday.
Staying awake at night and sleeping early in the morning makes it easier to sleep since the body has a natural rhythm it works with. Attempt to endure this even on the weekends.
- We suggest you on how to Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly.
Often, people overlook your surroundings while sleeping, but they do contribute to the quality of the sleep. If your bedroom is noisy, bright, or warm, then change this immediately. Spend money in quality mattress and pillows that offer comfort to stay for many hours in sleep.
- Limit Stimulants
-Take foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals; and stay away from caffeine, nicotine and heavy meals before sleep. These are known to hinder your capacity to go to sleep and may even affect the quality of your sleep.
- Exercise Regularly
They also need physical activity to enable them have improved sleep. That being said, it is not recommended to exercise too close to the time right before bedtime since it can cause the opposite and prevent sleep.
- Manage Stress
Stress can also be described to be a major factor in both sleeping disorders and high blood pressure. Take some time to close your eyes and take some deep breaths before you go to sleep and perhaps indulge in meditation or even a little light Yoga.
- Address Sleep Disorders
If you have sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea, please consult a physician or doctor and receive related treatment. For sleep apnea, a CPAP machine may assist to control the respiratory rate and possibly keep blood pressure from increasing during the night.