Depression trends itself to be a general human feeling that is temporary and related with occasions such as bereavement, let down or failure. But for a smaller group of individuals sadness turns into a chronic condition that stays with them for weeks, months, or even years. This phenomenon, therefore, is not a sign of feebleness of character or a deficiency of one’s personality but a multifactorial interrelation of the biological, psychological and social factors. Now, let’s look at the reasons that can make it really difficult for some people to just come out of the shadow of sadness.

Psychological Factors: The Mind’s Intricate Web

From a psychological point of view, such phenomenon as rumination contributes to the maintenance of sad moods. Ruminators spend a lot of their time stuck in a pattern of negative thinking and, therefore, take longer to come to terms with any disappointment. CBT almost invariably addresses this behavior in an attempt to interrupt the cycle and re-evaluate one’s thoughts.

There is also attachment style, which reflects child-rearing experience and encodes in the individual’s mind. Mistaken, insecure attachment could mean that the people who have the problem are likely to be prone to chronic sadness as an adult. For instance, anyone that has been raised all their childhood years without anyone once telling them that they are okay or that they are loved may go through life with low self-esteem and therefore might remain depressed all their lives.

Environmental and Social Influences: The weight of the external world

This is because, stressors like financial problems, marital problems, or chronic diseases can create long-standing positive affect of sadness. But, social rejection towards the mentally ill denies those persons the chance to seek for the services. A 2020 literature review in The Lancet Psychiatry lamented that around 70% of the depressives in low middle-income countries do not get access to treatment despite the use of proven treatments.

The needs and the lack of someone to depend on, or support one cannot be overemphasized. Research has described and confirmed that well-developed social relations provide protection against psychological dysfunctioning. On the other hand, isolation augments feelings of sad feelings, thus amplifying a cycle of suffering.

Chronic Sadness or Depression?

This is the reason why it is very important to tell the Gordon difference between normal grief and major depression.• The mood is low and remains constant for at least two weeks.• Appetite loss or gain; eating a lot more than usual or conversely, eating significantly less than before.• Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or to make decisions.• Feeling slowed down, or having reduced ability to pay attention or make choices.adness and clinical depression. While sadness is a normal emotional response, depression is a diagnosable medical condition characterized by:

  • Persistent low mood lasting for at least two weeks.
  • Changes in appetite or weight.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Fatigue and lack of energy.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt.
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.



The Essence of Empathy and Attention

Chronic depression is not just ‘in someone’s head’ – and it’s high time that people demanded appropriate care for themselves or the ones they love. Regardless of whether it is from biochemical factors which the patient inherited from his parents, chemical imbalances that affect those who use certain systems in the brain, psychological factors that affect a person’s thinking and emotions, or external factors which might be causing the patient to feel sad and he cannot run away from, then the inability to stop being sad is a valid reason that ought to receive consideration as well as proper attention.

Living in a society where everyone is encouraged to be optimistic, energyful , happy and world full of joy, combative the issue of chronic sadness is tremendous and refreshing. It is for this reason that we propose that only a multimodal approach medical; psychological, and social will create a foundation for healing and resiliency.

Simple Treatments

  1. Talk to Someone You Trust

This you can do with a friend, a family member or even a mentor so that you can let out some of the feelings you harbor.

  1. Engage in Physical Activity

Endorphins are hormones that are released during exercise and which have a natural ability to make one happy. Anything as simple as a walk in the park, a stroll around the greenery can do the trick for you.

  1. Mindfulness or Meditation

Practical things that one is able to listen to and probably do are deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or maybe some guided meditations.

  1. Engage in Arts, Sports, Writing, Music, Singing or Playing an Instrument

People will undertake hobbies such as painting, playing a musical instrument, or gardening with the goal and pleasure derived from them.

  1. Take Care of Your Body

o          Get enough sleep.

o          Eat balanced meals.

o          Stay hydrated.

  1. Spend Time in Nature

Staying out of doors can be relaxing and help one get some fresh perspective.

  1. Journaling




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