How do i get rid of my wrinkles?

Why do people get wrinkles and can they really be prevented?

Lines familiar to each person but usually appearing with age, a small crease or ridge in the skin’s surface is called wrinkles. Consequently, they can be one of the most ostentatious and most easily identifiable marks of time elapsed. As much as wrinkles are associated with aging, we would like to know why they appear in the first place. Can they at least be prevented or are they a normal price one has to pay for growing older?

So why do we get them? What causes these wrinkles? Can they actually be avoided fully and completely? Knowledge of biology of wrinkles and the processes that cause them unmask and provide a glimmer of a chance at the rejection of the Aging process.

The Biology Behind Wrinkles

Before looking at the reason behind wrinkle formation, we must glance at the skin layers and what the skin is designed to do. The skin is composed of three main layers: the first layer also known as the epidermis, the second layer known as the dermis, and the inner most layer known as the hypodermis. The dermis is the layer of skin that contains most of the toughness, with collagen and elastin fibers offer the skin its tensile strength.

  1. Collagen and Elastin

Collagen is the molecule that gives the skin its elasticity, strength and tone. Elastin in the name, called elasticity for skin stretching and it can spring back. Both of these proteins ensure skin that is young, smooth, and has the texture of well polished leather. Nevertheless, as the person grows older, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, and the total fibers of dermis starts to degrade. Thus, skin become incapable of remain firm and elastic and drops down leading to skin sagging, wrinkles and fine lines.

  1. Decreased Cell Turnover

As people progress in age the skin also loses its ability to regenerate new skin cells at the same rate. The skin’s dead cells pile up, while the creation of new skin cells is less frequent; hence the skin appears to be less glowing and thinner. This reduced rate of cell division can help with the development of wrinkles as the skin’s ability to heal declines.

  1. Loss of Fat and Moisture

Also, due to aging the hypodermis or the subcutaneous layer of tissue containing much fats, becomes leaner. This got a raw deal as far as body fat is concerned as it represents fat volume and the less of it the skin has, the more exposed it is to the Can. Furthermore, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture with age, resulting to dryness that always makes wrinkles to show up very quickly. This skin type is thinner, and therefore drier and unable to retain the same cushion between the layers, which creates lines.


The Causes of Wrinkles

Wrinkles do not appear overnight, and they are influenced by a variety of internal and external factors. Some of these are natural and inevitable, while others can be influenced by lifestyle choices. Understanding the key factors that contribute to wrinkles can help identify ways to delay or prevent them.

As we know, lines do not develop over a day, and that they have internal as well as external factors influencing them. Some of them are endogenous and exogenous while others are partly under people’s control depending on their lifestyle. Knowing the cause of wrinkles may help in finding out what may cause them not to appear earlier before they do.

Aging and Genetics

The major reason for having wrinkle is old age, though inquiry sometimes brings this about. For example, with time, one is able to manage skin injuries, skin renewal slows down and the production of collagen reduces. It is well understood that genetics determines the rate at which one will develop wrinkles, and in which parts of the face this is most likely to occur. There are others who get early boundary lines, propels by pedigree while others stay longer with attractive skin.

Sun Exposure (Photoaging)

Sun is given as one of the most important causes of early aging and formation of lines on the skin. Precisely, the UV radiation from the sun warps the skin collagen and elastin fibers, which gets damaged at a faster rate. This damage or photoaging is what causes wrinkling, spottiness or any skin aging signs as we may want to call it. Year after year, even without wearing sunscreen, brief exposed can cause the sum of skin damage in its tissues and cell.

Facial expressions e.g   such as smile Repetitive movements

This is so because squinting, frowning, or smiling causes facial muscles to contract and relax which over time cause wrinkle patterns on the skin where the muscles are situated and this include forehead, crow’s feet besides smile line. These movements make creases on the skin and when practiced repeatedly then those lines becomes permanent. This is particularly more evident when the body’s supplies of collagen and elastin that provide the skin strength to spring back into shape wear out.


Another cause of premature wrinkles is smoking. The chemicals in cigarette smoke break down the protein collagen and fiber elastin in the skin which makes skin hard and loses its flexibility. Further, smoking the effects of which include lip pursing and squinting because of avoiding smoke also leads to wrinkle formation. Cigarette smoking also constricts blood vessels making the skin scarce of oxygen and nutrients that it needs and thus premature aging occurs.

Pollutants and their Sources

The skin is vulnerable to oxidative damage by environmental factors like exposure to car emissions, industrial chemicals and cigarette smoke. This stress degrades the skin’s cells, and also leads to the rapid degradation of collagen and elastin proteins. Pollution free radicals can cause skin aging thus leading to formation of wrinkles as well as dull lifeless skin.

Poor Diet and Dehydration

Inadequate nutrition or poor nutrition retards the skin’s health and its physical characteristics. Diets that contain high amounts of sugar and processed foods are linked to glycation where sugar molecules bind to protein such as collagen reducing collage fiber and causing wrinkles. While on the hand, diets that include antioxidants fruits, vitamin C and healthy fats help with the structural integrity of the skin as well as skin hydration. Pigmentation and wrinkles result from poor diet and lack of proper hydration … It makes sense to avoid dryness of the skin, as it leads to skin shrinking and losing the signs of youth.

Can Wrinkles Really Be Prevented?

As much as one may wish to avoid aging or can’t avoid it the tricks outlined above can help one delay the formation of wrinkles and if they appear they should be controlled. It is therefore advisable to practice right skin care measures and lead right healthy life since this goes alongside to affect our skin deeply.

  1. Sun Protection

The only way to avoid wrinkles resultant from sun exposure is by shielding the skin against UV radiation. This means applying a wide-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greatest on any day, whether it is sunny or not, whether it is summer or winter. Protection from ultraviolet-A (UVA) radiation by wearing appropriate clothing, including long sleeves, caps, sunglasses and staying undercover also reduces photoaging. Also, sparingly tanning beds are essential to reduce skin’s aging too.

  1. Moisturization and Hydration

This applies to condition that enhance the skin flexibility so that it cannot wrinkle, specifically moisturization. A good moisturizer aids the skin for retaining water, or its equivalent, so that the skin should look young. Water intake, adequate and foods with high water contents such as fruits and vegetables also supports skin health as the makes the skin such as fruits and vegetables also supports skin health as it fills up the spaces in the skin making it full and elastic.

  1. Healthy Diet

People need to eat foods high in nutrients that would reinform the skin’s tissue. Healthy fats from sources including avocados, olives, fish prosducts, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds to name but a few, reduce oxidative stress and promote skin strength. Some of the body nishes that are very essential for healthy skin include Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish such as salmon. The skin is composed of Exercise and a diet that is well balanced in vitamins especially Vitamin C helps in creating collagen thus enhances the construction of the skin.

  1. Quit Smoking

It is well understood that smoking should be avoided or stopped as it can make a lot of difference to your skin. The first steps to reducing the damage caused to collagen and elastin are to remove the toxins present in cigarettes and help the skin regain its healthy flow. Smokers by comparison with non-smokers usually depict some wrinkles on their faces, which makes their skin looked less fresh.

  1. Skin Care Regimens

The youthful appearance of the skin is maintained through practice of proper skin regimes such as proper washing and applying lotion on a daily basis. According to studies, vulgar products that have retinoids or Vitamin A help in the production of collagen which should help the skin remain firm. Some of the useful ingredients of moisturizers include peptides, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants that form additional layers on the skin surface and helps repair the skin alongside preventing formation of fine lines.

  1. Regular Exercise

From the circulation point of view, the skin is benefited by the component of physical activity which helps the blood supply the vital needs to the skin. Exercise also serves to relieve stress; something that is actually beneficial to the skin since excess cortisol stress hormone causes early aging.

  1. Botox and Cosmetic Procedures

Wrinkle remedies that actualize fast outcomes are Botox therapy, facial enhancement, chemical use, and laser process. However these procedures should be administered as part of skincare regime rather than as anti-aging solutions because they do not tackle the cause of aging and wrinkles.






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